Lead Testing
CTG performs Inspections, Risk Assessments, and Final Clearance evaluations to identify lead-based paint and lead dust hazards that may result in health effects and have an impact on renovations. All lead work is performed as mandated by HUD, EPA, and Ohio Department of Health by licensed individuals. Once these services are performed, recommendations are provided to safely manage the lead issues moving forward. These services include testing paint on accessible surfaces, occupant interviews, lead hazard identification of deteriorated paint, friction, impact and chewable surfaces, and dust wipe and soil sampling. The lead laboratories used by CTG are certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program (NLLAP) for the bulk, dust and soil analyses performed. Most paint testing will be performed with a portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument used to non-destructively test for lead in paint. All hazard control options provided by the risk assessor will be technically feasible and specifically suited to the identified surface(s) or hazard. The control options will take into account the surfaces to be disturbed during renovations, the condition of the property, and the location and severity of hazards.