Indoor air quality is important in buildings across the globe. Luckily, there are easy ways to improve it to keep occupants and building visitors healthy and comfortable.
While none of these methods are 100 percent foolproof, some important proactive measures include:
Reducing exposure to external pollutants is a great way to improve indoor air quality. Whether you’re hoping to reduce exposure to allergens or let fewer external pollutants in, a few easy ways to improve air quality inside any building include:
- Avoid using harsh chemicals for cleaning.
- Don’t smoke indoors.
- Pay attention to exhaust from cars and equipment inside the building and reduce or redirect them as much as possible.
- Frequently vacuum and dust, especially if pets are present in the building.
- In bedrooms, use allergy covers and washable bedding, and frequently wash pillow covers, sheets, and other garments.
Another way to improve indoor air quality is to increase ventilation and outside air within your building. Increasing the air circulation throughout a building can push pollutants out and also reduce the risk of mold growth, which will also reduce the amount of allergens and pollutants in the air. Some ways to increase airflow include:
- Use fans when cooking and showering.
- Open windows and doors when weather permits (although be mindful of pollen and other allergens that may find their way in when doors are open).
- Improve/ change the building’s air filters more frequently.
If you’re concerned about your building’s indoor air quality, the best thing to do is to schedule testing to evaluate your situation. Our team at CTG Environmental can perform several types of assessments to evaluate your building’s air quality, including assessment of heating and ventilation, environmental data for specific rooms, mold spore testing, and more.
To learn more about indoor air quality assessments in your industrial or commercial building, or to book one of our specialists, call CTG Environmental today at 216-661-6696!